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ILS LEDA International Network celebrates the 30 years of the Local Economic Development Agencies LEDAs...more


ILS LEDA International Network celebrates the 30 years of the Local Economic Development Agencies LEDAs...more

Territorial Bio-districts recognized in the framework of the Long term Vision for Rural Areas by the European Union...more



Territorial Bio-districts recognized in the framework of the Long term Vision for Rural Areas by the European Union...more


Results of the project carried out in the governorates of Sidi Bouzid and Kebili in Tunisia with the participation of ILS LEDA to promote endogenous value chains...more


Results of the project carried out in the governorates of Sidi Bouzid and Kebili in Tunisia with the participation of ILS LEDA to promote endogenous value chains...more

8 July 2021 will mark the 100th birthday of Edgar Morin and UNESCO celebrates his academic work as well as the global influence of his thought...more


8 July 2021 will mark the 100th birthday of Edgar Morin and UNESCO celebrates his academic work as well as the global influence of his thought...more

ILS LEDA results after the first year of the European Union Prozvet Project - Promoting Sustainable Development in Zabaikal and Karelia Districts...more


ILS LEDA results after the first year of the European Union Prozvet Project - Promoting Sustainable Development in Zabaikal and Karelia Districts...more

The territorial Bio-districts recognized in the framework of the European Union Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production...more


The territorial Bio-districts recognized in the framework of the European Union Action Plan for the Development of Organic Production...more

Full Employment and Economic Equality: an article by Jairo Morales-Nieto on the topic Equality and Development…more


Full Employment and Economic Equality: an article by Jairo Morales-Nieto on the topic Equality and Development…more

ILS LEDA presents the results of the Project Inclusive and Sustainable Development for Women and Girls carried out in the District of Osmanabad, India....more


ILS LEDA presents the results of the Project Inclusive and Sustainable Development for Women and Girls carried out in the District of Osmanabad, India....more

Impact of the Local Economic Development Agencies and their national Red Adelco Network as strategic tools to reactivate local economies after the pandemic…more


Impact of the Local Economic Development Agencies and their national Red Adelco Network as strategic tools to reactivate local economies after the pandemic…more

During 2020 the IDEASS website was visited in 225 different countries, registering 358.665 contacts and 759.149 viewed documents...more


During 2020 the IDEASS website was visited in 225 different countries, registering 358.665 contacts and 759.149 viewed documents...more