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The University Milan Bicocca has launched its International Doctorate in Sustainable Human Development with a Sustainable Development Week in Milan...more


The University Milan Bicocca has launched its International Doctorate in Sustainable Human Development with a Sustainable Development Week in Milan...more

The Liguria Region (Italy) and the Universitas Programme are partner of CIDES Saloum in developing a strategy for sustainable tourism in the Kaolack Region...more


The Liguria Region (Italy) and the Universitas Programme are partner of CIDES Saloum in developing a strategy for sustainable tourism in the Kaolack Region...more

Universitas Programme and success stories of the René Cassin Winners 2009-2016...more


Universitas Programme and success stories of the René Cassin Winners 2009-2016...more

During 2017 the IDEASS website was visited in 222 different world countries, registering 236.815 contacts and 622.314 viewed documents....more


During 2017 the IDEASS website was visited in 222 different world countries, registering 236.815 contacts and 622.314 viewed documents....more

Winners of the 2017-2018 René Cassin Prize...more


Winners of the 2017-2018 René Cassin Prize...more

The assessment of the economic potential of the Enbek-Kazakh District through the application of a participatory methodology....more


The assessment of the economic potential of the Enbek-Kazakh District through the application of a participatory methodology....more

Creating a system of Bio-Districts throughout the country within the national policies...more


Creating a system of Bio-Districts throughout the country within the national policies...more

Training activities promoting Territorial Strategic Competitiveness organized by RED ADELCO...more


Training activities promoting Territorial Strategic Competitiveness organized by RED ADELCO...more

The Government of Colombia adopts a territorial approach for the construction of peace in the country....more


The Government of Colombia adopts a territorial approach for the construction of peace in the country....more

The partnership between the territories of the Jendouba Governorate and the Sardinia Region focusing on social and solidarity economy has been launched …more


The partnership between the territories of the Jendouba Governorate and the Sardinia Region focusing on social and solidarity economy has been launched …more