Establishing the International Laboratory on Urban Development and Poverty Reduction in Winnipeg, Manitoba...more
A new Bio-district is being implemented in the territory of Via Amerina, with the participation of 10 Municipalities and local actors...more
Implementing in Senegal the Scientific Committee of the Integrated programme on economic and social development...more
Planning an Incubator of innovative enterprises in Kaolack Region and a national catalogue of innovations in Senegal... more
The seminar Participatory Local Democracy: A Global Community of Practice was held in collaboration with United Nations Fund for Democracy (UNDEF) Hunger Project... more
Collaboration between ARCO Lab, Action Research for co-development and the IDEASS Programme has been established...more
Alexandra Trzeciak-Duval, Head of the Policy Division, Development Co-operation Directorate of OECD until 2012, joins the Scientific Committee of the KIP International School...more
In 2012, Universitas Forum published two issues, with 31,483 article views of the special issue on Decentralization, local development and women’s empowerment... more
IDEASS website
On 2012, the IDEASS website was visited in 188 different world countries, registering 139.112 contacts and 693.222 viewed pages....more
Republic of Macedonia
Collaboration between the KIP International School and the Global Fund to fight HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria...more