Launching the first Local Human Development Laboratories of the KIP Initiative in Shkodra and Vlora regions...more
About IDEASS website
On August 2011, the IDEASS website registered 18.768 contacts and 116.127 viewed pages from 140 different countries...more
Eurada and IlsLeda release quality labels for local economic development agencies aimed at human development...more
In the Marche Region, a model of KIP intensive courses based on the exchange of experiences... more
A memorandum of Understanding was signed in Brussels on May 12th, 2011 between EURADA and the KIP-UN Initiative... more
At the conclusion of the meeting "Pensamiento del Sur", held in Rio de Janeiro from 14 to 17 March, Morin confirmed his interest on presiding the KIP-UN Scientific Committee... more
Luciano Carrino has been appointed Vice Chairman of the OECD / DAC Group against poverty (POVNET) in its plenary session held in Paris on 17th and 18th March 2011...more
The Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) stresses the contribution of ILSLEDA in implementing the Local Economic Development Agencies and policies...more