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Results of the KIP missions in China to explore post Expo partnerships opportunities... more


Results of the KIP missions in China to explore post Expo partnerships opportunities... more

Launching the Bio-district Tenerife and Canary Islands in the framework of the Tenerife Colaborativa 2016 Initiative…more


Launching the Bio-district Tenerife and Canary Islands in the framework of the Tenerife Colaborativa 2016 Initiative…more

The Integrated Centre for Economic and Social Development CIDES Saloum started its activities in the Kaolack Region…more


The Integrated Centre for Economic and Social Development CIDES Saloum started its activities in the Kaolack Region…more

The Integrated Centre for Economic and Social Development CIDES Pikine started its activities in the Pikine Department…more


The Integrated Centre for Economic and Social Development CIDES Pikine started its activities in the Pikine Department…more

Territorial Marketing Strategy for the Department of Morazán shared by the Morazán LEDA with local and national actors…more

El Salvador

Territorial Marketing Strategy for the Department of Morazán shared by the Morazán LEDA with local and national actors…more

Results of the first informal meeting on the follow-up of the Expo 2015 KIP Pavilion…more 


Results of the first informal meeting on the follow-up of the Expo 2015 KIP Pavilion…more 

Universitas Forum has just published its most recent issue on Attractive territories for a sustainable world….more


Universitas Forum has just published its most recent issue on Attractive territories for a sustainable world….more

The National Catalogue of Innovations for Human Development is one of the Best Practices of the CIHEAM Feeding Knowledge programme…more 


The National Catalogue of Innovations for Human Development is one of the Best Practices of the CIHEAM Feeding Knowledge programme…more 

The ILS LEDA Intensive Course 2016 on Valorizing Territorial resources in competitive and sustainable way: Practices and Tools ended on Friday 2015...more


The ILS LEDA Intensive Course 2016 on Valorizing Territorial resources in competitive and sustainable way: Practices and Tools ended on Friday 2015...more

46 Local Economic Development Agencies from 15 countries will participate to virtual seminars on sustainability…more


46 Local Economic Development Agencies from 15 countries will participate to virtual seminars on sustainability…more