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National and Local Governments

The KIP International School has collaborated with the following national and local governments in past and current jointly-defined activities:

National Government of SenegalCollaboration is ongoing with the Ministry of Local Government, Development and Territorial Planning (MGLDAT) of Senegal, to realize training and capacity building activities enhancing processes of territorial development. This collaboration was originally part of the CIDEL Programme (Innovative Knowledge and Local Development) financed by the Italian Cooperation. The Ministry also participated in the KIP Pavilion at Expo 2015 with three days of dedicated activities.

National Government of China. An agreement has been signed with the China Institute of Strategy and Management, on behalf of the Government of China, in order to implement the activities of the International School in the country.

National Government of Senegal. The KIP International School collaborated with the Ministry of Women, Family, Gender and Child Protection of Senegal to set up two Local Development Economic Agencies in the Municipality of Pikine (Dakar Region) and in the Kaolack Region through a participatory action-research process. This collaboration took place as part of the PIDES Programme financed by the Italian Cooperation. Collaboration continues with the Ministry for international work-training internships supported by the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia Romagna Region of Italy.

National Government of Senegal. The KIP International School collaborated with the Directorate for small and medium enterprises of the Ministry of Women, Family, Gender and Child Protection of Senegal to carry out a feasibility study using a participatory action-research methodology, for the implementation of an Incubator of innovative enterprises in the Kaolack Region. The study has been realized by the IDEASS Programme in close collaboration with the EBN European Innovation Network.  

National Government of Albania. The KIP International Schoolcollaborated with the Ministry of Local Powers and the Ministry of Education  to establish an Albanian Branch of the School and two Laboratories in the Regions of Skodra and Vlore. The ILSLEDA, IDEASS, and Universitas Programmes participated in these activities, as part of the UNDP ART Programme.

National and Local Governments. That participated in the activities of the KIP Pavilion at Expo 2015:National Governments of Mali, Senegal, China, Japan and United Kingdom;Provinces of Cosenza, Udine, Milano, Frosinone (Italy), Jiangxi e Shanxi (Cina); Municipalities members of the International Network Cittaslow; Local Governments members of the International Network of Mediterranean Diet Communities; Local Governments members of the ILS LEDA International Network.

Legislative Assembly of Emilia Romagna Region. Collaboration is ongoing with the Legislative Assembly of the Emilia Romagna Region to implement the René Cassin prize for students of excellence and for the organization of a KIP international laboratory related to the participatory governance of development through the Universitas Programme. Past collaboration also includes the organization of an international study tour related to participatory governance of local development and the organization of a seminar regarding the creation of an international network of training initiatives related to local development and participatory democracy. The Legislative Assembly also participated in the activities of the KIP Pavilion at Expo 2015 with a series of activities related to participatory democracy and the René Cassin Prize.

Regional Government of Liguria. The KIP International School collaborated with the Regional Government of Liguria to organize an international study tour related to local development and sustainable tourism and for the implementation of a feasibility study using a participatory methodology, to define a plan for sustainable tourism in the Sine Saloum pole of Senegal,  in collaboration with the CIDEL programme and the Ministry of Tourism of Senegal.

Regional Government of Sardegna. Collaboration has been established also involving the Consortium AUSI based in Carbonia-Iglesias, to implement a decentralized cooperation project for territorial development in the Jendouba Governatorate of Tunisia. The project is founded by the Italian Cooperation.

Regional Government of Le Marche. The KIP International School collaborated with the Department for International Cooperation of Le Marche Region (Italy) to implement training and capacity building initiatives in collaboration with Region’s universities and actors, and to contribute to the School’s activities in Albania, particularly in Vlora Region.

Regional Government of Veneto. Collaboration has been established with the General Directorate for International Cooperation of Veneto Region (Italy) to realize training and capacity building activities and to promote innovations for territorial development through the IDEASS Programme.

Regional Government of Puglia. Collaboration has been established with the Regional Government and the Agency for Public Health of Puglia Region to set up one or more Development Laboratories in the territory, to organize training activities and to participate in strategic projects in the countries of interest for the Region.

Provincial Government of Pesaro and Urbino (Marche Region, Italy). An agreement was signed with a territorial working group comprised of the Province of Pesaro and Urbino, the Municipality of Urbino, the University of Urbino “Carlo Bo” and the Marche Regional Entity for University Studies to establish a territorial laboratory and implement joint professional development and higher education activities in the framework of the Universitas programme.


KIP International School

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