How to participate
The School wants to be a point of reference for development and international cooperation actors - national governments, local governments, international organizations, foundations, universities, research centres, NGOs, associations, social economy actors – that wish to promote the territorial approach to sustainable human development as indicated in the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.
The School is also interested in collaborating with those university programs that wish to critically renew their teaching, contributing to the construction of an organic body of development knowledge that goes beyond the specialized and fragmentary knowledge that currently prevails, and that wish to link their theoretical work more closely with practical experiences in the field and the prospects for insertion in the labor market.
Interested organizations can define the activities that they intend to implement with the support and collaboration of the School and its programs IDEASS, ILS LEDA and Universitas, through specific agreements. Such activities could include, for example:
• promoting, identifying and disseminating innovations that improve the quality of development and contribute to strategic reform processes in interested countries;
• promoting local economic development, including through supporting the creation and networking of Local Economic Development Agencies;
• organizing Development Laboratories, that is, identifying positive local development experiences and organizing them so that they can receive students, researchers, professors, experts and other interested social actors and to support action-research projects, training activities, exchanges of experience and the production of publications;
• organizing training activities in their territories for local and international development actors, such as intensive international courses, international summer schools and others, on different aspects of the sustainable territorial development, in liaison with the structures and activities linked to the School in other countries;
• organizing university and post-university courses on territorial or thematic development such as specialized courses or Masters, in liaison with the structures and activities linked to the School in other countries;
• supporting local, national and international research projects to identify, systematize and disseminate innovative experiences of sustainable territorial development, to experiment new approaches to development problems and to identify lessons for policy and practice;
• producing publications, audiovisuals and other cultural instruments;
• organizing seminars, meetings, exhibitions and other events.
In the agreements, the financial sources required to implement the activities or mutual fundraising actions are specified. Agreed activities can be implemented either by the partner organization, by the KIP School through its programmes, or by an executing agency chosen by mutual agreement. A joint working group comprised of a representative of the KIP School and the interested partners is usually established to formulate a joint project and a specific agreement.